Showing Collections: 1 - 10 of 12
John Bissell commissioner of deeds appointments
Appointments by governors of John Bissell, who attended the Litchfield Law School, to serve as commissioner of deeds in various states, 1836-1878. There is also a letter from S. C. Hall of Nevada, Mo., to William Bissell, 1869. Bound volume housed in 3B Box 20.
Lynne Templeton Brickley papers
Richard Brickley papers
One folder consisting primarily of correspondence related to fundraising efforts in connection with the Litchfield Law School.
Samuel Fisher collection
Rufus Fuller Jr. letters to Rufus Fuller
Two letters written by Fuller Jr. in Litchfield, CT to his father in Kent, CT, in which he discusses his study in the Litchfield Law School and the Macedonia furnace, among other topics.
Capt. H. S. Jones collection
Margaret Kelley collection
Four publications: Souvenir Edition The Litchfield Enquirer, 1920; Bi-Centennial of the Town of Litchfield, Conn., Exercises celebrating the Litchfield Law School, the Litchfield Female Academy, 1920; Litchfield: an historic masque, 1921; Census of the United States, 1820.
Litchfield Law School collection
This collection includes materials pertaining to Tapping Reeve, James Gould, the Litchfield Law School, and alumni of the school. It was assembled by the Historical Society over a period of years. Many of the law books used by Reeve and his students are also held by the Society and can be found through the book catalog. The Society's institutional records document the history of the Tapping Reeve House and Litchfield Law School building.
Marian McKenna papers
Manuscript and galleys of "Tapping Reeve and the Litchfield Law School" by Marian McKenna, 1989.
Kim Perlotto photograph
Photograph, 1965-26-0, was taken by Southern New England Telephone of Kim Perlotto, son of Phyllis and Med Perlotto (age 11) examining a law book in the Tapping Reeve Law School.