Showing Collections: 1 - 8 of 8
Housatonic River Bridge bond
Samuel Lee, David Waterman, Peter Farnam & Ambrose Collins of Salisbury (Conn.) and Samuel Wadsworth and Tryal Tanner of Cornwall (Conn.) are managers of a Lottery granted by the Conn. General Assembly in Oct. 1792 for building a bridge across the Ousatonuck [Housatonic] River on the highway from Salisbury to Cornwall and are bound to Peter Colt, Treasurer of the state of Connecticut for 500 pounds.
Writ, Johnston, James vs. Smith, Reuben
This Writ (1993-26-0) is from a lawsuit between James Johnston and Reuben Smith, regarding a debt of $200 pounds. The document, dated November 19, 1788, begins with an order to the local constables from the presiding Justice of the Peace, Isaac Pardes, to summon Reuben Smith to appear before the Court of Common Pleas. It then continues three years later, In Litchfield Superior Court regarding a bond between Johnston and Smith.
Landon and Howd families papers
Mary Lord and Erastus A. Lord bonds
Two bonds for Mary Lord & Erastus A. Lord of Litchfield for $1600, dated 13 Jun 1828, and $2000, dated 26 Aug 1829, payable to Isaac Spencer, Treasurer of the State of Connecticut for use and benefit of the School Fund. Also a receipt to Erastus A. and Mary Lord on 6 Sep 1830 for $108 dollars interest on the bonds.
Oliver Parmelee and Elias Dunning bond
Elias Parmelee and Elias Dunning of Woodbury, Litchfield County (Conn.) bond to Lynde Lord, sheriff as he has apppointed Oliver as deputy sheriff and they indemnify Lynde Lord against loss, cost and damage on account of Oliver having been appointed a Deputy Sheriff. Witnessed by Titus Hull and Samuel Parmelee.