Showing Collections: 21 - 30 of 36
Robert W. Hill lecture
Gideon Hollister papers
Jedediah Huntington Orderly Book
The Jedediah Huntington Orderly Book collection (2358) is a book of orders from George Washington written by Jedediah Huntington. The orders in the book are from January 1st, 1776 to April 2nd of the same year.
C. Murray Keefer manuscript
Typescript manuscript, "Historical Sketch: Portraying the Ceremony of Presentation to James Morris of the Morris Academy Building and Its Dedication in November 1803," prepared by C. Murray Keefer and enacted in the Morris Community Hall on Jul 24, 1935, as a part of the Connecticut Tercentenary Celebration.
Dwight C. Kilbourn diary
Diary of Dwight C. Kilbourn written in a published "Standard Diary" for 1897.
Andrew Lester note
Note dated Canaan, 16 August 1780 from Andrew Lester to the Honorable Committee of Pay Table requesting that the balance of pay due to him in the service of the Continental Army be paid to Mr. Sofford Stevens. Witnessed by Elisha Baker, Justice of Peace, Canaan, Litchfield County.
Litchfield Sourcebook of Revolutionary History
Andrew Perkins military commission
Connecticut military commission to Andrew Perkins appointed lieutenant in the Eighth Co. of the Alarm List in the 20th Regiment. Signed by Jonathan Trumbull, Captain General and Commander in Chief for the State of Connecticut.
Edward A. Pierpont diaries
Four diaries of Litchfield, Conn., farmer Edward A. Pierpont: 1860, 1861, 1871, and 1878-1879. Pierpont generally recorded the weather, his farming and other business activities, and the comings and goings of family members and friends. There are also business accounts.
Letter, Rufus Smith to Quartermaster General
Letter from Rufus Smith to an unnamed quartermaster general agreeing to transport all merchandise sent to Litchfield Station for the 19th Connecticut volunteeers quartered at Litchfield, Connecticut, including wood, wooden boards, scanthing (sic), and rye.