Showing Collections: 161 - 170 of 329
H. Bertram Lewis letters
Two letters to John H. Hubbard regarding Indian trails in Litchfield, Conn.
Mary Ann Lewis papers
The Luke Lewis family moved to Litchfield, Conn. in 1811 and lived in a house at #7 East Street in the center of town. Mr. Luke Lewis operated a store on the property and his four daughters all attended the Litchfield Female Academy at various times from 1812-1821. The majority of the collection consists of invitations and replies from members of Litchfield families, Litchfield Female Academy students, and Litchfield Law School students.
Lilac Hedges cards and stationery
Lilac Hedges Collection
Lilac Hedges samples
Samples of cards and stantionery produced by Lilac Hedges.
List of Deaths and Marriages
List of recipients of roads and bridges funds protest handbill
Handbill that reads "Taxpayers! Here is a PARTIAL list of your money handed out by our Boss First Selectman to his closest friends and supporters, under disguised roads and bridges," followed by list of recipients and amount of funds received, concluding with "This is the way your money goes. When the TAX RATE gets to 3 CENTS don't blame us. HONES GRAFT, Committee."
Litchfield 250th anniversary parade slides
Slides of Litchfield's 250th anniversary parade.
Litchfield. American Revolution military record
Dated from Litchfield, subscribers enlist as Private soldiers in a Regiment to be commanded by Col. Andrew Ward, Jr. under the command of Major General Lee for the term of eight weeks. The subscribers are convinced of the necessity of a body of forces to defeat the enemy. Added to the Beebe family papers.