Showing Collections: 211 - 220 of 329
Memoir regarding fishing in Litchfield
Appears to have been a talk regarding fishing in the Litchfield, CT area during the early 20th century.
Harlan G. Mendenhall papers
Dorothy E. Miles collection
Two maps: 1) Blueprint map of Bantam Lake compiled from student surveys, Columbia University School of Surveying, Camp Columbia, Morris, Conn., 1915. 2) Diazo print of a detail from an 1859 map of Litchfield, Conn., showing the southern area of the town, undated.
William Miller Collection
Milton History Day proclamation
Proclamation of the Town of Litchfield that Aug. 18, 1984, be designated Milton History Day, signed by Charles A. Dobos, First Selectman. The organ and stained glass window in the Trinity Episcopal Church and the National Register of Historic Places designation of the David Welch house are cited.
Miscellaneous bills
Approximately 15 bills from Litchfield area merchants and businesses, 1886-1904.
Miscellaneous papers
Papers relating to families and activities in Litchfield, including correspondence related to Camp, Smith, Hill, and other families; deeds; contracts and other legal documents relating to highway and bridge construction and maintenance; Reports of the Selectmen and Treasurer of the Town of Litchfield, 1890-1911; Road Schedules; Charter and Bylaws of the Town of Litchfield, 1862; and other papers.
Miscellaneous records
Estate inventories, leases, and contracts related to business activities in Litchfield, Conn., 1895-1924.
James Moir collection
Newspaper clipping showing before and after views of buildings in Litchfield destroyed by fire in 1886.
Mildred Molumphy collection
Madison Square Garden Programme week commencing Sep. 21, 1891; three Litchfield 250th anniversary bumper stickers, 1969; three notice of public hearing flyers for a hearing to ban helliports in Litchfield, Jun. 25, 1987. Photographs of Litchfield events 1970-1977 include Litchfield Historical Plaque dedication; Bi-Centennial parade (1976); Fireman's parade; Litchfield Hills Road Race (1977); White Memorial Foundation carriage show (1970, 1974).