Showing Collections: 61 - 70 of 1340
Broadside, Charles Atwell, Wool Carding & Cloth Dressing
Broadside, Charles Atwell, Wool Carding and Cloth Dressing, 1974-14-0, advertises Atwell's business in Salisbury and announces to residents of neighborng towns that he will be continuing his business for the coming year. The broadside was printed in Hartford by E. Geer.
Horace Atwood letter
Letter from Horace S. Atwood in Boonsboro, Maryland dated 14 June 1826 to Guy Walker in St. Augustine, East Florida. Mr. Atwood is considering traveling to Florida and requests information about the area. His health has improved since leaving Woodbury.
James Averell, Jr. letter to William Holt Averill
James Averell, Jr. writes from Cooperstown, NY to his son, William Holt Averell, regarding the difficulty of obtaining the amount of money William needs to cover expenses as a student at the Litchfield Law School.
Babbitt family papers
Asa Bacon letters
Two letters from Asa Bacon of Litchfield, Conn., to his cousin, Peyton Randolph Gilbert of Hebron, Conn., primarily relating to the deaths of Bacon's three sons.
Gamaliel Bailey letter
Letter from Gamaliel Bailey, editor of the National Era newspaper, to [?] Barney concerning Bailey's travel arrangements.
Anna A. Baldwin estate inventory
An inventory of Anna A. Baldwin's estate, particularly notes and interest due to the estate. Listed items are dated 1827 to 1835. No location is indicated.
Clarissa Baldwin Journal
Baldwin family photo album
The Baldwin family photo album (1974-49-0) is a nineteenth century photograph album and contains photos related to the Baldwin family. The item is currently housed in 3A Box 4.