Showing Collections: 101 - 110 of 249
John P. Hale letter
Letter to H. Barney regarding Hale's plans to travel to the convention at Syracuse.
Harriman, Mary Jones Bostwick to Bostwick, William
Mary Jones Lewis Bostwick to William Warner Bostwick (2015-86-0) Letter from Mary Bostwick to William Bostwick. Mary writes to her brother William, a student at Trinity College. She thanked him for his previous letter, mentioned a chimney fire and playing Charades. Other names mentioned are Uncle Jones, Mr. Benedict, Aunt Parmelee, Aunt Annie, Celeste (her sister), Edward Seymore, Eliza Migeon, George, Mr Hutchinson
J. B. Harrison letter
J. B. Harrison writes the Selectmen of Barkhamsted regarding a complaint about the surface of a highway and trusts that they will repair it to save the necessity of a suit against the town.
Nan F. Heminway papers
Philemon Hewitt papers
The papers of Philemon Hewitt relating to bees, beekeeping, honey, consisting of correspondence, Christmas cards, honey labels, news clippings, photographs, a glass slide, and material concerning to articles in "American Bee Journal." There are also records relating to the Connecticut Beekeepers Association including membership lists, its constitution and history, and other documents; cash books, 1891-1958; ledger, 1912-1952; and minutes, 1891-1963.
William Grant Heyer letter
A letter from William Grant Heyer in Norwalk to the Wardens and Vestrymen of St. Michael's Church in Litchfield offering his services as clergyman in the Church since that position is vacant.
Gideon Hollister papers
George B. Holt letter to Phineas Minor
George B. Holt writes from Dayton, OH to Phineas Minor regarding legal and other matters.
Philip P. Hubbard papers
[?] Huntington letter
[?] Huntington writes to H. [?] in Cambridge, Mass., to decline an offer.